Actress and dancer Nora Fatehi recently opened up about her frightening ordeal amid the ongoing wildfires in Los Angeles. As the fires worsened, she and her team were asked to evacuate their hotel. Sharing her thoughts on the situation, she expressed how unsettling the experience was, describing it as ‘scary’.
Nora Fatehi recently took to Instagram to share her nerve-wracking experience amid the raging wildfires in Los Angeles. She and her team were asked to evacuate their hotel on short notice as the situation intensified. Packing her belongings in a rush, she decided to head closer to the airport, hoping to stay safe and catch her scheduled flight.
The actress described the wildfires as something beyond anything she had ever witnessed, highlighting the surreal and alarming nature of the crisis.
Nora expressed her concerns about the escalating wildfires in Los Angeles, hoping her flight wouldn’t be canceled amid the chaos. She said, “I hope it doesn’t get canceled because this s**t is scary.”
She described the experience as terrifying and unprecedented, with uncontrollable flames spreading rapidly. Wishing for everyone’s safety, Nora promised to keep her fans updated as she navigated the alarming situation, eager to leave the danger zone in time.
For those unaware, a catastrophic wildfire broke out in Los Angeles on Tuesday, displacing over 30,000 residents as it tore through homes, vehicles, and historic landmarks, according to Business Standard.
The internet is flooded with chilling videos of the disaster, prompting California Governor Gavin Newsom to declare a state of emergency. The situation remains critical as authorities work tirelessly to contain the blaze and ensure the safety of residents.
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